Health is Wealth: How Health and Wealth are Intertwined

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“The first wealth is health.” This quote was given to us by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I am sure you have heard that phrase or something similar before. I must agree wholeheartedly with the quote. To me it describes the importance of health in our everyday lives. Being wealthy is great and all but it won’t matter at all if you don’t have your health. To me, Health is Wealth.

It can also be argued that being in good health is key to amassing wealth. Health care is expensive after all, so the less you use the health care system that is in place, the better off you will be.

The best part is, being healthy does not need to be expensive! Sure you could shell out countless dollars on gym memberships and private trainers, but you really don’t need to to make sure you live a healthy lifestyle. Let’s look at some ways to be healthy that won’t break the bank.

The Great Outdoors

My wife and I love going out into Mother Nature and seeing everything our beautiful world has to offer. A quick google search of beautiful hikes near you will give you endless possibilities to go exploring. The world is full of amazing things to see around every corner.

Getting outside and going for a nice hike is great for your physical and emotional well-being. If it has been a while since you were last outside enjoying the fresh air, look up some easy to moderate hikes near you. Choose one and get out there! You will not regret it.

Ditch the Gym Membership

Gym memberships can be cheap, but many are not. Those dollars could be better used elsewhere because, lets be honest, when is the last time you stepped into the gym? Go and buy yourself a used weight set off of Craigslist and you will have all of the equipment you need to get into the best shape of your life.

If you don’t want to go out and purchase a weight set, you don’t need to! There are so many great exercises that use just your body weight for training! Just do some quick searches to find ones that work for you and see how they are done correctly in order to not injure yourself.

What is another thing you can do that is free? Get an accountability buddy! I believe many people use the gym membership as a way to be accountable as you have to pay for it but does that really work? A better way is to be accountable to someone else who is counting on you. Find that person and be each others champion. Pick them up while they are down and they will do the same for you. Grow your health together!

Exercise does not need to be expensive. Move your body. Get outside and go for a walk, jog, or run, whatever you are comfortable with. Just keep at it. The healthier you are, the higher quality of life you will be able to live.

Healthy Eating

It is no secret that my wife and I follow a whole foods, plant based diet. It has changed our lives. Our health has never been better. Our energy has skyrocketed. We will never go back to our old eating ways, the diet of the typical American.

A side effect that we never thought would be, based on the typical media you hear of eating healthy being expensive? Our weekly grocery bill has been nearly cut in half! It is so much cheaper to buy healthy foods than spend on anything that is processed. Seriously, stay away from the middle isles when you go to the store. Do your shopping along the outside perimeter. This is where you will find the unprocessed foods. I challenge you to do the majority of your shopping in the fresh produce section. You will not only find your waistline shrinking, but your pockets will be heavier too!

Health is Wealth

I believe you have nothing if you don’t have your health. I don’t care how much money you have, if you aren’t healthy, you will be hard pressed to enjoy your life. There is currently an epidemic going on in our country. And I don’t mean COVID-19.

The Obesity Pandemic

The obesity epidemic in America has only been getting worse. Per an article from the Common Wealth Fund, there were no states with an obesity rate over 15% in 1985 but by 2016, there were 5 states with an obesity rate over 35%! Nearly 40% of all adult Americans were obese in 2016. Per the CDC, Obesity was 42.4% in 2018 while severe obesity was 9.2%. Those numbers are a huge problem, no pun intended. We, as Americans, need to make the better choices. We need to live healthier lives. For ourselves, our families, and our communities.

The lives lost to this pandemic are staggering, associated with heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses which have a dramatically increased rate and likelihood if obese. The money spent on health care due to obesity is almost beyond comprehension. The toll that it has had on our daily lives cannot be measured. Obesity will continue to kill our population slowly, but surely, unless we take preventative measures to stop it. We must focus on our health and our habits to make sure we are making the choices that support the lives we desire to live.

Small Steps Leads to Big Results

We all have choices to make every day that set into motion what our lives will look like in the future. Many of these are small choices. Do I take the stairs or elevator. Yes or no to ice cream. A side of fries or vegetables. They seem harmless when they are in isolation. But these choices will make all the difference. We have discussed compounding before. While most of the time you hear compounding it is about money, it really affects everything in your life.

By dedicating time every night to go for a walk, you are compounding your way to good health. One walk alone won’t do much for you. But a walk every night will start changing your health for the better. Make it a run and your life will change drastically! Suddenly, you will have lost some weight and never felt better. We need to embrace this mentality as a nation.

Prioritizing your health has never been more important. You will save so much money on health care and will feel infinitely better. You energy levels will rise and will be ready to take on any challenges thrown at you. Best of all, you will be around longer and able to take advantage of all of the wealth you have been able to accumulate! Once you begin to understand that Health is Wealth, you will begin to focus on maintaining a health focused lifestyle which will improve all facets of your life!

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