Free Activities to Do: Ways to Save Money and Enjoy Life

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Are you looking for something to do but don’t want to blow your budget? There are plenty of free activities to do all over, if you know where to look for them! No matter what you like to do, there is an activity for you that won’t cost you a penny!

Explore the Great Outdoors

One of my wife and I’s favorite things to do is go for hikes. We love looking for different waterfalls to go explore and to find the next great vista around the bend.

The best part, the only cost to us is the gas to get to the trail head! Sure, there is a charge for National Parks and some State Parks, but those are exceptions to the rule. There are countless free hikes within an hour from where we live and I bet the same can be said for you.

Another great thing is the exercise you get from all the movement! You don’t even realize how much you are working your body because you are so fixated on the amazing things there are to see in this world! So get those hiking shoes on and go explore!

Visit a Museum

You want to get out of the house, have an experience, and gain some knowledge? Visit your local museum! Most museums are free or ask for a small donation for you to visit.

If your local museum charges an admission, give them a call and see if they offer free admission days. Many museums offer these free days and what an opportunity they are!

Read a Book

You know a great place that you may not have been to in quite a while? The local library! Take advantage of all the knowledge the building holds and grab yourself a good book! No matter what you like, be it fiction or non-fiction, you will be able to find it there! If you are looking for a book on self improvement, check out my listing of Book Recommendations!

A forgotten fact about libraries, they have movies too! So if there is a movie you are dying to see, go see if the library has it for you to take out! Super easy and cost effective!


Any time I have volunteered, I have had an absolute blast! From the people you meet and the stories they tell, to the activities you are involved with that you don’t normally do, volunteering is a great way to be active in your community and really help other people.

That is what its all about, helping people. It is what makes volunteering a must on any list of free activities to do! Choose a cause you care about and get out there! There are always causes in need of help and you have just the tools to get the job done!

Review Your Finances

What would this blog be without bring up reviewing your finances in a list of free things to do? While it may not be the most exciting thing in the world for you to do on your free day, it could end up being the catalyst to you changing your life!

Don’t have a budget? Make one! Make positive changes in your life so you can start living the life you want instead of only dreaming about it!


You may not see the joy in exercising, but you can’t argue that it needs to be on the list of free activities you can do and will bring your life to another level!

I promise, get out there and get your sweat on. Your mind will feel great. Your body will feel great. Afterwards, nothing can stop you from achieving the great things you desire!

Picnic Time!

Who doesn’t love finding a beautiful spot in the world, putting down a cozy blanket, and having a nice picnic with the ones you love? Get outside and chow down on your favorite grub. Enjoy some beautiful weather and time with the beautiful people in your life.

Movie Marathon

We all have our favorite movies and genres. Get a list of great movies together, invite some people over, and have a movie marathon!

I am a sucker for The Lord of the Rings movie franchise. Harry Potter anyone? It doesn’t have to be a movie series. Fan of cheeky horror films? String a few of your favorites together! The choice is yours, so get watching!

Gaze Up at the Stars

I am fascinated with the cosmos. Everything you see in the night sky tells an interesting story. By looking up into the sky, you are truly looking up into the past.

Maybe you will see a shooting star! I saw my first one of those a few weeks ago. My wife can attest to the enormous grin on my face and child like level of excitement. Whatever you see, you will be amazed.

Dance Party!

Get your dancin’ shoes on, put your favorite tunes on, grab your partner, and get dancing! You will have the time of your life! You don’t need to be a great dancer, trust me. Just go nuts! Its about having fun!

If you have dogs that are anything like mine, they will join in on the fun too! It will be a real family affair!

Nap Time

The freest of free activities to do. The beloved nap. Sometimes, after a long day or week, a nap is just what you need. Rejuvenate your body and your mind. Waking up after a nap well rested is a fantastic feeling!

It doesn’t have to be long, even 15 minutes will rest your spirits and pick you up! My wife and I love our nap time, dogs included, and you will too!

So Many Free Activities to Do!

No matter what you love to do, I bet you can find plenty of activities that you can do for free! You don’t have to spend big bucks to have the time of your life! Making memories that last a lifetime isn’t about the money you spend. Its about the people you spend the time with. So grab your favorite people and start making those memories. You will cherish them forever!

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